




VMware vSphere Replication Administration provides technical documentation on vSphere Replication 8.6, including system requirements, installation, setup, and operational limits. It covers topics such as replication data compression, vSphere Replication appliance components, and local and remote sites. The document also includes information on vSphere Replication licensing, compatibility, and bandwidth requirements. Additionally, it provides instructions for deploying, configuring, and uninstalling vSphere Replication, as well as cleaning up the environment if the appliance is deleted.


该文档提供了关于VMware vSphere Replication 8的技术文档,包括系统要求、安装设置、备份和导入配置数据等方面的内容。通过阅读该文档,用户可以了解vSphere Replication的组件、本地和远程站点的管理、备份数据压缩、系统要求、安装设置流程、配置数据导出和导入等操作。这些信息有助于用户了解和使用vSphere Replication,解决相关的安装、设置、备份和配置的问题。


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基于DPUs的vmw vSphere电子书优化

了解如何以更低的总拥有成本 (TCO) 在 VMware vSphere 8 上加速基础架构,以应对下一代应用程序带来的性能需求变化。探索虚拟基础架构的新想象,并了解应对应用驱动的基础架构需求的解决方案。


这篇文章总结了在VMware vSphere虚拟化平台上使用多个NVIDIA A100-80GB GPU进行AI/ML训练工作负载的性能测试结果。结果表明,该平台在AI/ML训练和推理工作负载方面的性能处于”恰到好处”的区域。

VMware vSphere Essentials套件数据表

VMware vSphere Essentials Kit and Essentials Plus Kit deliver the industry-leading virtualization platform at an affordable price for IT environments that run 20 or fewer server workloads. With vSphere Essentials Plus Kit, a small business can leverage a comprehensive and cost-effective virtualization solution to protect its business, reduce its IT footprint, and save on IT costs.


比较了VMware vSphere远程办公室标准版、高级版和企业版的功能和许可,重点介绍了它们在远程办公室服务器虚拟化、业务连续性和备份等方面的特点和优势。这篇文档还提供了有关虚拟化远程办公室和分支机构的价值以及VMware vSphere远程办公室分支机构的详细信息。

VMware vSphere 6.7产品数据表

VMware vSphere是业界领先的虚拟化和云平台,为混合云提供高效和安全的基础设施,支持通用应用平台、高性能应用、无缝混合云体验和规模化的高效管理。提供全面的内建安全性,降低IT基础设施管理成本,并大幅减少关键应用程序的停机时间。

VMware vCenter数据表

VMware vCenter Server是一种集中管理VMware vSphere虚拟基础架构的平台,能够简化管理复杂性,提供统一的可视性和可操作性,以确保安全性和可用性,并提供自动化的管理功能。

vSphere vCenter 8.0.1 升级指南

本文档是关于vCenter Server升级的技术文档,提供了升级选项、升级流程、兼容性等信息,以及vCenter Server Appliance的升级过程和所需的系统、硬件、存储、软件要求。

VMware vSphere 8虚拟化平台资料图解

了解如何使用VMware vSphere 8将您的IT基础架构引入多云时代,将云的好处带到本地工作负载中。解决云迁移成本超支、维护积压、AI/ML投资难以扩展以及开发团队处理基础设施挑战的问题,加速创新并提高效率。

VI I/O 指南

I/O Compatibility Guide for VMware provides information on the compatibility of various partner models and devices with different releases of ESXi. This includes network adapters and storage devices from partners like Cisco and Dell, as well as Intel Ethernet adapters. The guide also lists the specific ESXi versions that are supported by each device.

VMware vSAN 许可指南

本文档是关于VMware vSAN和VMware vSAN+的许可、定价和打包的说明。介绍了超融合基础设施的概念和优势,以及不同的许可和打包选项。适用于虚拟桌面基础设施、远程办公/分公司、两节点体系结构、使用vSphere Essentials套件、带有本地故障保护的拉伸集群等场景。还提供了许可的概述和总结。



VMware vCloud Director 8.0 新功能

VMware vCloud Director 8.0 is a technical white paper introducing the new features and enhancements of vCloud Director 8.0, including support for vSphere 6.0 and NSX 6.1.4, organization virtual data center templates, enhanced vApp functionality, OAuth 2 support for identity sources, and tenant throttling.