5V0-21.21 Exam questions (80-89) vSAN考试题目

5V0-21.21 Exam questions

To study for VMware HCI Master Specialist Exam | vSAN认证考试题目学习

82. An administrator has decided to switch the Preferred Fault Domain in a vSAN stretched cluster. Resynchronization activity increased drastically after this change.
Which action should the administrator take next time to avoid this problem?

  • A. Changing the Data Locality setting to None.
  • B. Adding additional hosts to both domains in existing vSAN cluster.
  • C. Adding disks to hosts and creating additional disk groups.
  • D. Putting all hosts from Secondary domain into maintenance mode.


Based on the information from VMware’s documentation, when an administrator switches the Preferred Fault Domain in a vSAN stretched cluster, it can indeed lead to an increase in resynchronization activity. This happens because objects with the ‘Data locality=Preferred’ policy setting always move to the Preferred fault domain, and objects with the ‘Data locality=Secondary’ setting move to the Secondary fault domain. When the domains are swapped, these objects move from one site to the other, triggering increased resynchronization.

To avoid this unnecessary resynchronization, the recommended action is to change the Data locality setting to None before swapping the Preferred and Secondary domains. Once the domains have been swapped back, the Data locality setting can be reset. This approach helps to mitigate the increase in resynchronization activity that occurs due to the domain switch​.

This is more effective than the other options for this specific scenario, as it directly addresses the root cause of the increased resynchronization activity. Adding additional hosts or disks might improve overall cluster performance and capacity but does not directly relate to the issue of resynchronization caused by changing the Preferred Fault Domain. Similarly, putting hosts in maintenance mode is not a solution to this problem and could disrupt normal operations.

82. 一位管理员决定在vSAN拉伸集群中切换首选故障域。在这次变更之后,重新同步活动急剧增加。下一次,管理员应该采取哪种措施来避免这个问题?

  • A. 将数据本地化设置更改为无。
  • B. 在现有vSAN集群的两个域中添加额外的主机。
  • C. 向主机添加磁盘并创建额外的磁盘组。
  • D. 将次要域的所有主机置于维护模式。




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