5V0-21.21 Exam questions (80-89) vSAN考试题目

5V0-21.21 Exam questions

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86. An architect is tasked to plan a VMware Horizon environment using vSAN as the primary storage for a vSphere HA-enabled Cluster, but it must consume the least amount of storage possible.

Which vSAN Storage Policy should be used for the Instant Clone VMs?

  • A.FTT= 3
  • B.FTT= 0
  • C.FTT= 1
  • D.FTT= 2


For a VMware Horizon environment using vSAN as the primary storage, especially when aiming to consume the least amount of storage possible, the vSAN Storage Policy for Instant Clone VMs should be configured with care. Instant Clone VMs share the same base disk image and are designed to optimize storage utilization, making them ideal for environments where storage efficiency is a priority.

Given the requirement to consume the least amount of storage possible while still operating within an HA-enabled cluster, the best choice would be:

B.FTT= 0

However, it’s important to note that choosing FTT=0 for the sake of storage efficiency comes with a trade-off against redundancy and fault tolerance. In a high availability environment, it’s crucial to balance the need for storage efficiency with the need for uptime and data protection. Typically, C.FTT=1 might be a more practical choice in many environments as it provides a balance between storage efficiency and fault tolerance. However, based on the strict criterion of consuming the “least amount of storage possible,” B.FTT=0 answers the question as asked, with the understanding that it carries a higher risk due to the lack of redundancy.

Sphere HA-enabled Cluster 需要尽可能少地消耗存储空间。

对于 Instant Clone VMs 应使用哪种 vSAN 存储策略?

A.FTT= 3

B.FTT= 0

C.FTT= 1

D.FTT= 2

在使用 vSAN 作为主要存储的 VMware Horizon 环境中,特别是当目标是尽可能减少存储空间消耗时,需要小心配置 Instant Clone VMs 的 vSAN 存储策略。Instant Clone VMs 共享相同的基础磁盘映像,并旨在优化存储利用率,使其成为存储效率优先的环境的理想选择。

鉴于在 HA-enabled Cluster 中尽可能少地消耗存储空间的要求,最佳选择将是:

B.FTT= 0

然而,重要的是要注意,选择 FTT=0 为了存储效率而牺牲冗余和容错能力是一种权衡。在高可用性环境中,平衡存储效率和上线时间与数据保护的需求至关重要。通常,C.FTT=1 在许多环境中可能是更实际的选择,因为它在存储效率和容错能力之间提供了平衡。然而,基于“尽可能少消耗存储空间”的严格标准,B.FTT=0 回答了所提问题,但需理解这样做因缺乏冗余而承担更高的风险。

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